CSC 490: Senior Project

More Information

The following links are to additional information that is useful to students in the senior project class.

Information on Use Cases

Information on Modeling and UML

  • Practical UML - a high level overview of the different types of UML modeling diagrams
  • UML Class Diagrams - a decent, brief overview of class diagrams and the types of relationships you see in class diagrams
  • Entity relationship modeling with UML - A tutorial from IBM developerWorks (this is also being handed out in clsas)
  • astah - UML modeling tool (the "community" version is free)

Information/tutorials on Subversion

Testing Information

Presentations (oral and poster preparation)

  • Poster presentation template - a good, generic template for your poster
  • Creating Better Presentations - great selection of resources on making good presentations - oral and poster [Note: Link no longer works - was]

Major Field Test

Students in CSC 490 must take the Computer Science "Major Field Test" administered by ETS in order to pass this class (your score on the test does not affect the grade in CSC 490, but you will not be given credit for the class until the test is completed). The following information is available regarding the major field test: