October 5, 2001
            -added course materials for History 221 (Fall 2001) (click here)
            -added four texts, called "Royal Texts Concerning Peasant Servitude in the Region around Paris, 1108-1140" (click here)
            -added new section off of the homepage, entitled Personal Stuff  with pictures of a very small Katie (here)

April 30, 2001
            -added fourteen charters in collection, "Disputing and Dispute-Resolution in Monastic Charters from the Vendomois" (click here)

August 24, 2000
            -added text, "A Marriage Contract in Maine, c.1100" (click here)
            -added text, "An Ordeal by Hot Iron" (click here)
            -added text, "A Young Nobleman Gives Up the Secular Life to Become a Monk, 1055" (click here)
            -added text, "Piety, Lordship and Miscarriage in the Touraine, c. 1080" (click here)
            -added text, "Pillage, Murder and Redemption: the Case of Acharias of Marmande," (click here)

August 21-23, 2000
            -added syllabus and supporting materials for History 221, fall 2000 (click here)
            -added syllabus and supporting materials for History 221H (Honors), fall 2000 (click here)
            -added syllabus and supporting materials for History 621, fall 2000 (click here)

February 18, 2000
            -added text to Capetian Justice dossier, entitled "Philip Augustus rules on the legal rights of minors, 1213" (click here)
            -added three texts to dossier on Philip Augustus and the western French nobility (documents 4-6) (click here)
            -added text, "Philip II Deals with a Recalcitrant Vassal, 1213" (click here)
            -added text, "Philip Augustus Looks for a New Wife, November 1210" (click here)
            -added text, "Philip II Orders the City Government to Swear to Safeguard the Church of Saint-Quentin, 1213"
                            (click here)
            -added text, "Philip II Concedes a Fair and Other Rights to the Burghers of Poitiers, 1214" (click here)
            -added text to dossier of documents on Peace and Feud ("A Feud Concerning Presentation to a Church is Resolved,
                            1066-1125") (click here)

February 14, 2000
            -added links to ITER from my History 511B page (click here)

January 26, 2000
            -modified translation of "The Bishop of Orléans refuses to submit to royal justice, circa 1210" (click here)
            -added text, "Philip Augustus Apportions Legal Jurisdiction in Normandy, 1210" (click here)
            -added text to dossier on Chartres Riot, "Philip Augustus Urges Moderation in Punishing the Rioters" (click here)
            -added text to dossier on Chartres Riot, "Philip Augustus commands punishment of rioters" (click here)

January 24, 2000
            -added text to Documents of Peace and Feud, namely "Making Peace and Creating Outlaws" (click here)
            -added text, Land Tenure and Family Conflict: the Honor of Vendome (c.1006-1040) (click here)

January 14, 2000
            -added text to the Beauvais Dossier, Letter of King Louis to the Church of Laon (click here)
            -added text, Deeds of Bishop Gervais of Le Mans (c.1036-1055) (click here)

January 12, 2000
            -added text, The Bull Laudabiliter: Adrian IV Approves the Invasion of Ireland by Henry II, 1155-1156 (click here)
            -added texts, King Henry II Confirms Two Marriage Contracts, c.1170 (click here)
            -added text, King Henry II Resolves an Ecclesiastical Dispute Involving Excommunication, 1154-1189 (click here)
            -added texts, King Philip Augustus Attempts to Win the Support of the Nobles of Western France, 1199-1200
                                (click here)
            -added texts, Texts Illustrating Capetian Justice, c.1132-1263 (click here)

January 11, 2000
            - added syllabus for History 221, Spring 2000
            - added syllabus for History 511B
            - added text, A Dispute Over Bréal-sous-Vitré, 1082-1092 (click here)
            - added text, An Angevin Knight Prepares to Go on Crusade, c. 1096 (click here)
            - added text, Murder, Mayhem, and Serfdom: the Case of Abbot Rannulf v. Raherius of Sarcé (click here)
            - added text, Problems With a Dowry: Fulk of Matefelon v. Agnes (click here)


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