Dr. Richard Barton
MWF 9:00-9:50 
Room: McIver 225 
Office: 212 McIver
Office phone: 334-5203
Office Hours: MWF 10:00-10:50

Course Description

Requirements (books, assignments)

How to Read Primary Sources

Schedule of Classes and Readings

Reading Guides and Homework Assignments
            Reading Guide Week 1: the Roman Heritage (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 2: Early Christianity (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 3: the Germanic Heritage (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 4: the Franks (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 5: Salic Law and Frankish Queens (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 6: Monasticism and Saints (click here)
            Reading Guide Week 7: the Carolingians (click here)

Formal Assignments
            First Paper Topic (World of the Franks) (click here)

On-Line Texts and Other Recently Added Information:
                Reading for September 1 (World of the Church Fathers) (click here)
                Reading for September 22 (Frankish Queens) (click here)
                Readings for October 20 (Lordship and Peasants) (click here)
                Reading for November 3 (Assize of Clarendon) (click here)
                Readings for November 17 (the Rise of Towns) (click here)
                Reading for December 8 (Boccaccio describes the Plague) (click here)

Tips to Writing History Essays

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