Brand updates and assets available

Posted on December 14, 2021

New UNC Greensboro brand guidelines and assets are now available online. 

Brand Assets

The University’s extended version of the brand anthem has been updated. You can download the new version and acquire the YouTube link here. Brand student stories completed this fall are also online and available for use. These brand student stories include a look at where our prior students –  now graduates – are today as well as a feature on 1aChord. Do you have a student, faculty, or staff member to recommend for a brand story? Contact to nominate someone today.

Proper Brand Use

In August 2018, UNCG launched a brand refresh complete with new logos, messaging, University naming structure, and more. However, old logos and naming structures continue to be used, and we would like to change that. Help us showcase UNCG by keeping our brand consistent and in alignment with the Brand Guide. Please check your email signature, apparel, accessories, forms, and more to make sure you’re being a strong brand ambassador. 

If your email signature (or any other communications) reads, “The University of North Carolina at Greensboro,” change it to “UNC Greensboro.” Learn more in the editorial section of the Brand Guide. 

If you are using the outdated emblem logo (with “UNCG” under Minerva), please begin using the new emblem logo instead. Check your social media channels and sub out the old logos in avatars for the current ones. 

Please use the updated emblem logo (with “UNCG” above Minerva). All logos can be accessed here by using your UNCG credentials. 

Email Signature

Please review your email signature for proper University naming structure and logo use. Access tips for your email signature here. During your review, please be sure to remove references to the University’s 125th Anniversary (celebrated in 2017). While we too love our cartoon characters, Minnie and Spiro, they should not be used in email signatures nor college t-shirts, etc. as they are reserved for light-hearted, student-facing engagements.

Shield Our Spartans

Help continue to encourage our campus community to care for one another by using the updated Shield Our Spartans logo (with the vaccine vial), available here

Shield Our Spartans graphic

Font Use

Headlines are to be in all capital letters and use Pluto Sans Heavy font. Please do not use Pluto Sans Heavy in sentence case as many lower case letters are difficult to read when the font size is small. There are exceptions to this Brand Guide rule, learn about them here

The University’s body copy font is Sofia Pro Regular. Licensing for both fonts has been secured by UNCG. Use your UNCG credentials to complete the Font Request Form online and access the fonts.

Web Content Audit and Content Lifecycle 

The University’s Brand Guide has an updated web content section. Adopted by the University’s Web and Mobile Operating Committee, the following guidelines are now online:

You may recall, content reviews of current websites were conducted as part of the Next Generation Website Project’s (NGWP) Redundant, Outdated and Trivial (ROT) process. 


Did this spark some questions? We’re happy to help. Please email for assistance.


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