New fellow position at Graduate School

Posted on February 28, 2023

Graduate student hugs a professor at doctoral hooding ceremony.

From Dr. Greg Bell, Dean of UNCG Graduate School:

Dear faculty,

Throughout my career I have benefited from professional development, mentoring, and collaboration with other faculty members. These opportunities have shaped my growth and been essential to my work that goes beyond department and unit levels.

I am excited to be able to provide an opportunity in the Graduate School to engage with a faculty member and to draw upon their expertise to advance graduate education at UNCG while simultaneously supporting the key priority areas of faculty development and student success.

It is the expectation that equity, inclusion, and diversity considerations will be central and interwoven throughout these priorities.


The Graduate School Fellow is a Member of the Graduate Faculty (a full-time faculty member who holds a terminal degree in a field appropriate for their appointment) who is interested in administrative leadership. They will be a thought partner for the Dean of the Graduate School and will collaborate with other administrative leaders to support graduate students, programs, and Graduate Faculty.

The experience will provide the faculty fellow with a broader institutional view, opportunities to provide a faculty perspective to Graduate School priorities, and familiarity with other UNCG leaders. Specific goals of the Graduate School Fellow will be developed in collaboration with the faculty member and the Dean of the Graduate School.

Areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, promoting graduate student professional development, graduate student-facing engagement, and/or ways to facilitate graduate programs’ efforts to achieve their goals.

Terms of appointment:

  • Provost Fellows will continue to engage in departmental activities and will be provided with up to 50 percent release time (from any of the following areas of activity: research or teaching or service) in consultation with the faculty member, department head/chair, academic dean, and Graduate School Dean.
  • The faculty fellow is not permitted to teach overload during the fellowship period.
  • If necessary, the Graduate Dean will provide funds to the home department for instructional costs for required courses they no longer can teach at the unit’s standard per course rate. Details on the required course/s and anticipated enrollment should be provided in the application process.
  • If there is interest from the Graduate fellow to work through the summer, they will receive one month summer salary.
  • The fellowship is flexible in terms of timing and length of service and will be negotiated with the fellow, academic dean, and the Dean of the Graduate School.

Application Process

Interested faculty should discuss their intent to submit their application with their department chair and academic dean before applying. This discussion should include an initial negotiation around both the amount of release time possible and how it would be achieved.

A complete application will include a current CV and a two-page letter of interest. In addition to a brief statement on the candidate’s discussions of release time with their chair or dean, this letter should describe goals and activities the candidate would like to pursue, the candidate’s previous experience supporting graduate students, and the candidate’s administrative or leadership experience.

Candidates should also state whether they’re interested and able to work during the summer months.

Send a current CV to Laura Drew by Monday, March 13, 2023 at 5 p.m.

The Dean of the Graduate School and the Provost Fellow for faculty development, Tracy Nichols, will evaluate all applications and make a decision by April 4, 2023.


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