Message Regarding the State Budget

Posted on September 25, 2023

The sign for UNCG when arriving on campus.

Both chambers of the North Carolina Legislature voted to pass the North Carolina Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and 2024-25. The bill is now with Governor Roy Cooper. 

We are pleased by the support we have received from the state legislature, which includes the following (note that “R” indicates recurring and “NR” non-recurring): 

Faculty and Staff Salary Increases: in consideration of inflationary pressures and concerns, eligible UNC employees (EHRA and SHRA) will receive:

  • 2023-24: 4% increase (effective July 1, 2023)
  • 2024-25: 3% increase

Please note:

  • Individuals who are currently employed at the time the increase is implemented and were employed in a permanent full- or part-time benefits-eligible position on June 30, 2023, will be eligible for the 4% increase.
  • Increases will be retroactive to July 1, 2023 and calculated on the June 30, 2023 base salary.
  • Must comply with UNC System guidance.*

Repairs and Renovations:

  • 2023-24: provides funds for inflationary increases to two institutions, including UNCG. The inflationary increases include $17.1M for the Jackson Library Addition and Renovation and $3.4M for the Campus Chilled Water Infrastructure and Equipment. We expect the Board of Governors to approve this additional funding at its October board meeting.
  • 2024-25: $2.4M for the Moore Building Renovation

Completion Assistance: to support students in earning the necessary credit hours to complete their education.

  • 2023-24: $2M NR (split among 8 campuses)
  • 2024-25: $2M NR (split among 8 campuses)

Information Technology Support: for UNCG’s critical IT infrastructure and security improvements to better serve students, faculty, and staff.

  • 2023-24: $4M NR
  • 2024-25: $4M NR

Faculty Realignment Incentive Program: provides funds to the UNC Board of Governors to create and implement the Faculty Realignment Incentive Program, with priority given to institutions most impacted by changing enrollment patterns.

  • 2023-24: $16.8M NR (for 5 campuses, including UNCG)

Please note: Eligibility for consideration of participation in this program include, but are not limited to:

  • Current employment as a permanent, benefits-eligible UNCG tenured faculty employee with a full time equivalent of .75% or greater.
  • Be at least 55 years old.
  • Must be eligible for early or full-service retirement in the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System of North Carolina (TSERS) or vested in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP).
  • Compliance with UNC System guidance.*

Athletics: anticipated receipts from Sports Wagering/Horse Racing Wagering to support collegiate athletics programs.

  • 2024-2025: $1.16M R (goes to each UNC campus except Chapel Hill and NC State)

Esports: to support UNCG’s esports initiatives, in particular the formation of the UNCG Scholastic Esports Alliance.

  • 2023-24: $1.45M R; $7M NR
  • 2024-25: $1.45M R; $7M NR


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