Kathleen Mooney

Research/Evaluation Specialist


Email Address: k_mooney@uncg.edu

Phone: 336.315.7757

Get to Know Us

Kathleen Mooney has experience as an evaluator with the SERVE Center since 2001 developing and implementing evaluation plans that facilitate the use of data to ensure continuous program improvement. She has worked on multiple state- and federally-funded evaluations for programs including the Regional Educational Laboratory, Race to the Top, 21st Century Learning Centers, School Improvement Grants, North Carolina’s Extended Learning and Integrated Student Supports, and several university-based National Science Foundation grants. Program evaluation services she often provides include: developing scopes of work, evaluation plans, and logic models; ensuring Institutional Review Board (IRB) compliance; conducting literature reviews; identifying relevant data collection and analysis methods; providing technical assistance to enhance program-level evaluation capacity; and reporting findings to funding agencies.

On a personal note, Kathleen is a proud mom of two beautiful and energetic children, Eloise and Sammy. In her free time, she loves to spend time with her husband and children swimming, urban hiking, reading, and watching their crazy pet chickens in the backyard.