Assignment 3 – Due Tuesday, October 3

  1. Textbook, Exercise 4.1 parts a-c

  2. Textbook, Exercise 4.10 - you’ll need to write a program to compute the exact probability, unless you want to calculate 46 terms individually…

  3. Textbook, Exercise 5.2

  4. Textbook, Exercise 5.8 parts b and d

  5. Textbook, Exercise 5.14

  6. Textbook, Exercise 6.1 - Note that this problem may be confusing at first, for this reason: We have (almost?) always used \({\mathcal A}\), linked with these libraries, as a distinguisher that returns true or false. In this case, \({\mathcal A}\) is not a distinguisher, since it returns a key \(k\). This is fine by our definitions, but we just haven’t done anything like this yet, so don’t let it confuse you! This problem is pretty easy once you wrap your mind around that – to solve the problem, focus on the definition of a secure PRF and analyzing probabilities.

  7. Textbook, Exercise 6.3