UNC Greensboro

Help for Healing from Past Relationship Abuse 

Christine Murray

UNCG Professor Christine Murray has launched a unique survivor-focused, online tool for people who have experienced domestic abuse called The Source for Survivors. Her goal: create a space that encourages community and support for domestic abuse survivors on a long-term healing journey.

Dr. Mitch Croatt Named Interim Dean For JSNN

UNCG Dr. Mitch Croatt in a lab coat in front of a blackboard.

Dr. Croatt will carry out the duties of Dean Sherine Obare as she becomes Vice Chancellor of Research and Engagement. He headed UNCG’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and has been recognized for his ongoing achievements in his years of research.

Dr. Nancy Vacc Helped Shape the Landscape of UNCG

Dr. Nancy Vacc sits beside a window with the UNCG Vacc Clocktower outside.

Dr. Nancy N. Vacc, professor emerita and tremendous friend to UNC Greensboro, has passed away. In addition to her service on the School of Education faculty, she had a long history of supporting UNCG through transformative gifts that elevated our University.

UNCG Celebrates Staff Stars

UNCG Graphic Designer De'Andre Gilliard shows off his "Staff Star" pennant.

Staff Senate Staff Recognition committee delivered ten Staff Star awards around campus in December, recognizing their dedication, hard work, innovation, and service. All staff, campus-wide, can nominate coworkers whom they observe being kind, thoughtful, helpful, or considerate.