UNC Greensboro

STEM Teacher Leader Collaborative fosters creative classrooms

23 teachers sit or stand, smiling for a group photo.

Twenty elementary teachers from schools across North Carolina collaborated with the School of Education’s STEM TLC. Together they worked on creative student-centered ideas that they can take back to their schools to promote science education.

CNNC fosters community connections

UNCG Student Volunteers with children at the Center for New North Carolinians

The Center for New North Carolinians (CNNC) helps immigrants and refugees become an acclimated part of their local community. UNCG students who work with the Center provide critical support while gaining invaluable experience and perspective.

Bee Business

Two scientists wearing bee gear hold bees

Some people dream about being scientists. Others aspire to be business owners. To use her findings to do good, Dr. Kaira Wagoner has decided to be both, launching a startup with UNCG alum Phoebe Snyder.

Students’ first day at the G

Students in matching green UNCG t-shirts wave towels together.

UNC Greensboro’s newest class got their first taste of campus life. Swag, games, food, and plenty of positive energy from faculty and staff awaited them through the NAV1GATE program. Watch and relive their introduction to all sorts of Spartan traditions.

Students say goodbye to Ms. Brenda

A smiling Brenda Joyce clasps the hands of a student while she sits next to a table where another student writes a farewell message.

Her smiling face has made students feel at home whenever they get their meals at UNC Greensboro. Fountain View Dining Hall cashier Brenda Joyce, or Ms. Brenda, has said goodbye to UNCG and hello to retirement. Spartan Dining and students gave her a heartwarming farewell on August 19.

Awards add up: Mathematics professors win NSF grants

mathematicians doing problems on a smartscreen

Many applied mathematicians spend their careers working closely with engineers – writing code to find approximate solutions to partial differential equations for specific applications. But Lewis and Zhang go deeper: They’re hoping to change the methods applied mathematicians use.

Beth Fischer gives update on Light the Way campaign

Outside UNCG Alumni House with "Light the Way" banners and sign out front

As the new semester began, Beth Fischer sat down for an interview for faculty and staff. The Vice Chancellor for Advancement provides the latest update on Light the Way: The Campaign for Earned Achievement and the profound impact it will make.

New students arriving to “NAV1GATE” campus

Students walking through hallways wearing yellow shirts that say "College of Arts and Sciences: NAVIGATE"

The UNC Greensboro campus will once more be bustling with students as the Fall 2022 term gets underway. NAV1GATE helps new students acclimate to life as a Spartan. Read more about how you can best accommodate and support these students as they get to know their way around campus.

Through community-engaged research, ‘Everybody Eats’

For more than a decade, Dr. Marianne LeGreco, in the Department of Communication Studies, has been one of the driving forces behind local food security initiatives, including urban garden projects, fresh food mobile markets, entrepreneurship programs, and culinary workshops. With UNCG support, the SNAP benefits “Green for Greens” program helped the local community and farmers markets weather the pandemic.