UNC Greensboro

Alumna honors mother through scholarship

Pecolia J. Grove.

Phaedra Grove ’92, ’95 MPA established an endowed scholarship to honor her mother. “My late mother and I wanted to lighten the load for other young women,” the UNC Greensboro Foundation chair said.

Defend smarter with UNCG R.A.D. course

A woman participates in a self-defense simulation

UNCG’s Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) course is more than just a self-defense class. The 12-hour program is about preparing for the unexpected with everything at your disposal.

UNCG celebrates the Faculty Awards

The Faculty Award celebration.

These awards acknowledge the wide range of work that goes into the teaching: engagement in the classroom, groundbreaking research, and quality mentorship for students.

Skeletons out of the closet

Whale bones on display at the museum.

Dr. Bryan McLean leads part of a National Science Foundation-funded initiative called Ranges. It makes mammal specimen data more accessible to researchers around the world, whether that research is for a doctoral dissertation or a fifth grade science project.

Traffic changes during construction

Road work sign.

Crews will work on the steam distribution system replacement project starting May 8 after Commencement. Some streets and sidewalks will be impacted by this work through the summer and likely into October.

UNCG hosts the Faculty Assembly for first time

Wade Maki speaks during Faculty Assembly.

This year, the Faculty Assembly chose to hold its regular meetings at the UNC System’s various campuses. UNCG hosted their April meeting to discuss policies that will impact faculty across the state.