Leadership Consolidation within Finance and Administration

Posted on January 09, 2024

A drone captures the changing fall leaves around the UNCG campus.

To: UNCG Community
From: Bob Shea, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Happy New Year! I hope you all were able to spend time with family and friends over our recent holiday break.

Chancellor Gilliam has challenged us all to innovate and reinvent as we face demographic, structural and societal challenges nationally and here at home in North Carolina and the Triad. High performance organizations change to thrive to meet new demographic and market conditions. With the chancellor’s challenge to reinvent in mind, I announce the following leadership changes.

Paul Forte, AVC for Finance will retire at the end of April 2024 after 10 years as an outstanding leader in the UNC system at UNCG, App State and UNCC. Prior to his service in North Carolina, he served in financial leadership roles at the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College. Prior to his leadership in higher education, Paul had a full career as a financial executive in the telecommunications industry both internationally and domestically. I want to thank Paul for his outstanding leadership here at UNCG and for the entirety of his 45-year career as a CPA and financial executive. UNCG will miss him. 

The following leadership changes will be effective January 2, 2024.

Scott Millman will move from his role as AVC for Campus Enterprises to the AVC for Finance also keeping responsibility for UNCG’s real estate portfolio. Scott has been at UNCG since 1997 in a series of increasingly responsible roles. Scott will work in tandem with Paul from January through April to transition their respective responsibilities.

Zach Smith, AVC for Emergency and Enterprise Risk Management will assume the duties of AVC for Campus Enterprise while retaining his responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management. Zach as AVC for Emergency Management superbly led UNCG’s response to the pandemic in concert with Provost Storrs and other leaders on campus. Zach has been at UNCG since 2016.

Chief Eric Boyce, the leader of the UNCG Police Department will assume the responsibility for Emergency Management from Zach combining both public safety functions under one capable and experienced leader. Chief Boyce joined UNCG from UNCA where he led the police and emergency management functions there.

When I arrived at UNCG in May 2020, my VCFA position had nine direct reports. Through careful analysis of roles and responsibilities and mindful of the Chancellor’s challenge to innovate and reinvent, on May 1, 2024, I will have five direct reports. Our student headcount has declined 12.1% or a -3.18% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) since 2019. Our student credit hour production has declined by 13.68% or a negative 3.6% CAGR since 2019. This leadership consolidation is both necessary and a fitting example of reinvention. Please join me in congratulating Paul on his retirement and congratulating Scott, Zach, and Eric on their new responsibilities. Rounding out the very capable leadership team in Finance and Administration, Jeanne Madorin remains as our Chief Human Resources Officer, and Sameer Kapileshwari remains as AVC for Facilities.


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