Campus Safety Teach-In

Posted on October 30, 2023

A backpack lies on a chair beside a computer.

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Thanks to everyone who was able to engage in the first teach-in focused on campus emergencies. We appreciate your participation and feedback.

Our second teach-in asks for your help in identifying, reporting, and addressing concerning student behaviors and other suspicious activities. Such reporting can help stop violence before it occurs. UNCG has a Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) that coordinates existing resources focused on violence prevention and early intervention for the university community in accordance with existing University policies. Specifically, BAT has a Concerning Behavior Report form that can be filled out online by faculty, students, and staff.

During the week of November 6, please watch a short video created by Dr. Brett Carter, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, that describes how you can report concerning behavior and explains UNCG protocol for responding to such reports. After watching the video, we welcome your feedback on additional information you would find helpful to know about reporting concerning behavior. The BAT is creating a Q&A section on their website based on the feedback we receive.

Additional information about the Behavioral Assessment Team can be found on this website.
We will continue to provide additional ways you can convey safety planning measures to your students throughout the academic year.

Thank you for helping to prepare for emergencies.

Provost Debbie Storrs
Dr. Brett Carter
Provost Fellow Joyce Clapp 
Provost Fellow Connie Jones
Provost Fellow Amy Vetter


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