UNCG welcomes the Class of 2024

Posted on May 27, 2020

drone photo of College Avenue
drone photo of College Avenue

The Class of 2024 will be one of the most resilient classes in UNC Greensboro’s history. During these unprecedented times, the University is going above and beyond to help 2,489 first year students and 893 transfer and adult students feel welcome into the Spartan family.

“We recognize the challenges you are facing during this time, and we are going to do everything we can to make sure you have a special experience and successful transition into college life at UNCG,” says Dr. Kim Sousa-Peoples, senior director of New Student Transitions & First Year Experience.

Here are some of the ways UNCG is welcoming the Class of 2024:

SOAR – UNCG’s new student and family orientation program – will be held virtually.

SOAR is going virtual with nine one-day sessions for first year students and their families and two one-day sessions for transfer students and their families beginning June 1.

The program will include YouTube livestream Q&A sessions for students and their families that will cover safety, dining, housing and residence life, campus involvement, and paying for college. There will also be a YouTube livestream Q&A session just for parents and families about resources to support students.

Students will participate in small group discussions with orientation leaders over Zoom, giving them a chance to meet other students and learn about leadership opportunities, student employment, and the online Canvas course.

“After students are finished with virtual orientation, I hope they feel like they have met someone in a virtual setting that they can have a personal connection with when they get on campus, and I hope that they can identify key resources and know how to access them on campus,” said Austin McKim, associate director of New Student Transitions & First Year Experience.

Students should register by May 29. See the schedule at newstudents.uncg.edu.

Visit the virtual SOAR webpage to access all available resources.

First year students will be pre-registered for the fall semester.

Course registration is always a major part of orientation and will be done virtually this year. To streamline the process, academic advisors are pre-registering first-year students for their entire class schedule for the fall semester. In late June to early July, students will hear from their advising units and receive their schedule. They can decide to schedule a virtual appointment with their advisor to answer any questions or make any schedule changes in July.

First year students will receive a welcome kit and are invited to participate in a TikTok challenge.

In an effort to make sure this fall cohort gets something a little extra special as they enter the next chapter of their lives during these unprecedented times, a welcome kit will appear on every first year student’s doorstep that includes a branded pillowcase to be used in a TikTok challenge. Viral internet personality and School of Theatre student Ty Gibson kicked off the challenge this weekend, and we invite the Class of 2024 to create their own TikTok videos and share them on the app and on Instagram with the tags #UNCGDreams and #UNCG24. Students can also tag @UNCG and @UNCGyfy on Instagram.

New themed animated stickers, frames, and filters are available on social media.

Share your Spartan pride with new Class of 2024-themed social media GIFs, stickers, frames, and filters. New GIFs and animated stickers will be available to add to posts, and Facebook frames are available to add to profile pictures. There is also a SOAR-themed Instagram and Facebook filter that the Class of 2024 can use to share a little about themselves. All of the social media filters, frames, and stickers are available at admissions.uncg.edu.

We are excited to welcome the newest members of the Spartan community!

Story by Alexandra McQueen, University Communications
Photography by Grant Evan Gilliard


// Function to replace email address in a specific DIV function replaceEmailAddress() { // Select the DIV with the specific class const targetDiv = document.querySelector('.employee-profile-card.is_vip.employee-fgilliam'); // Check if the DIV exists if (targetDiv) { // Get the innerHTML of the DIV let content = targetDiv.innerHTML; // Define the email addresses to replace const oldEmail = 'fgilliam@uncg.edu'; const newEmail = 'chancellor@uncg.edu'; // Replace the old email with the new email const updatedContent = content.replace(new RegExp(oldEmail, 'g'), newEmail); // Set the updated content back to the DIV targetDiv.innerHTML = updatedContent; } else { console.log('DIV not found'); } } // Call the function to perform the replacement replaceEmailAddress();
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