Newsmakers: Murphy, Rhea, Douglas, Hodges, crime reduction, DeJesus, Lawrimore, Harris

Posted on January 27, 2020

two researchers

Whether researchers with timely insights or students with outstanding stories, members of the UNCG community appear in print, web and broadcast media every day. Here is a sampling of UNCG-related stories in the news and media over the last week:

  • MyFox8 featured kinsesiology research into using VR for physical therapy, with comments from Dr. Chris Rhea. The piece.
  • Classical studies professor Joanne Murphy was featured on the Council for Undergraduate Research website, discussing undergraduate research and new opportunities that are a result of UNCG’s recent $200,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation. The feature.
  • Yes! Weekly featured UNCG trustee Mae Douglas’ reception of the ATHENA Award from the Chamber of Commerce. The article.
  • Dr. Nancy Hodges spoke to NPR’s Here & Now about American clothing factories. The piece.
  • MyFox8 highlighted UNCG’s violent crime reduction team. The feature.
  • Dr. Jasmine DeJesus spoke to Undark about the need for diversity in the psychology field. The piece
  • Triad City Beat featured Erin Lawrimore talking about a pop-up exhibition about prohibition. The feature.
  • The News & Record and W-S Journal ran several stories about Emmylou Harris’s visit to UNCG, including this article and this article.


// Function to replace email address in a specific DIV function replaceEmailAddress() { // Select the DIV with the specific class const targetDiv = document.querySelector('.employee-profile-card.is_vip.employee-fgilliam'); // Check if the DIV exists if (targetDiv) { // Get the innerHTML of the DIV let content = targetDiv.innerHTML; // Define the email addresses to replace const oldEmail = ''; const newEmail = ''; // Replace the old email with the new email const updatedContent = content.replace(new RegExp(oldEmail, 'g'), newEmail); // Set the updated content back to the DIV targetDiv.innerHTML = updatedContent; } else { console.log('DIV not found'); } } // Call the function to perform the replacement replaceEmailAddress();
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