UNCG named ‘Green College’ by Princeton Review

Posted on October 25, 2019

Aerial view of campus

UNC Greensboro has been recognized as one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges by the Princeton Review.

The education services company features UNCG in its “Guide to Green Colleges: 2019 Edition.” UNCG is one of eight universities in the UNC System to be included.

The Princeton Review chose the 413 schools in the guide based on a survey of administrators at hundreds of four-year colleges about their institutions’ commitments to the environment and sustainability.

UNCG’s recent sustainability efforts include:

  • Installing six “Big Belly” network-connected waste and recycling receptacles to improve the efficiency and management of UNCG’s waste and recycling solutions
  • Converting over 100 exterior lighting fixtures to LEDs
  • Installing four electric car charging stations in the McIver Parking Deck (ready for use soon)
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 8% since 2009

For more information about green practices at UNCG, visit the UNCG Office of Sustainability website.


Photography by Grant Evan Gilliard, University Communications


// Function to replace email address in a specific DIV function replaceEmailAddress() { // Select the DIV with the specific class const targetDiv = document.querySelector('.employee-profile-card.is_vip.employee-fgilliam'); // Check if the DIV exists if (targetDiv) { // Get the innerHTML of the DIV let content = targetDiv.innerHTML; // Define the email addresses to replace const oldEmail = 'fgilliam@uncg.edu'; const newEmail = 'chancellor@uncg.edu'; // Replace the old email with the new email const updatedContent = content.replace(new RegExp(oldEmail, 'g'), newEmail); // Set the updated content back to the DIV targetDiv.innerHTML = updatedContent; } else { console.log('DIV not found'); } } // Call the function to perform the replacement replaceEmailAddress();
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