A Message From the Chancellor

Posted on January 08, 2024

The sign for UNCG when arriving on campus.

January 03, 2024
Dear Colleagues,

With 2024 upon us, I write to share an update on our academic portfolio review (APR), with a recap of the work to date and a look at what comes next — including opportunities for campus input.

You’ll recall that this process began more than a year ago. In late 2022, we set the groundwork for a comprehensive review of UNCG’s academic programming in response to volatile trends in our immediate environment. Many colleges and universities routinely engage in such assessments, which identify institutional opportunities and sharpen competitive prowess.

For us, the APR is among a number of tools to help put the University on solid academic and financial footing now and for the next 10 to 20 years. It will identify offerings where we can reinvest to grow impact, build leadership, and reinforce our core mission, as well as identify programs that may no longer be sustainable. By thoroughly considering various forms of data in the context of our mission, values, and priorities, the review will inform resource-allocation decisions we must reach swiftly, thoughtfully, and deliberately.

UNCG will emerge from this proactive process stronger and more resilient amid the stark enrollment trends and other headwinds confronting higher education. It’s an excellence-driven effort that should energize and unite us in support of our students today and future generations.

To date, our Academic Portfolio Review Task Force, composed of faculty, staff, and Faculty Senate representation, has collaborated closely with the deans and senior leadership on a detailed, inclusive evaluation method. On Jan. 16, Provost Debbie Storrs and I will announce the deans’ recommendations for specific program discontinuations.

That announcement will launch several important feedback and consultative opportunities across theUNCG community, from the Faculty Senate to student and community events, before Provost Storrs presents final recommendations to me on Feb. 1. At that point, I will make final decisions and communicate them to you.

The quality of the decision-making process depends on insights and feedback from across theUniversity. Please take full advantage of the engagement options, which are listed on the Reinvention & Innovation website.

As we move forward, accurate and clear information will be crucial. We will communicate regular updates via email. It’s important that everyone knows the following: For any programs identified for discontinuation, all students in good standing will be able to complete their chosen studies here at UNCG. Please understand that the process for discontinuing any program will take years.

Thank you for your attention and participation. While change can be challenging, it also offers opportunities for growth, reinvention, and innovation. I anticipate that we will take pride in themission-centered process we’re following to secure the future of this great University. Stay tuned for more specifics in the coming weeks.

Best regards,
Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.


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