Chancellor Gilliam Hosts Student Engagement Opportunities

Posted on September 26, 2023

A group of graduate students pose with UNCG Chancellor Gilliam during a visit to his residence.

Chancellor Gilliam’s favorite part of his job is getting to know UNCG’s remarkable students. Between meeting them at campus events (house calls, sporting events, student productions) and spontaneously while driving around in the Whip or lunching in the dining hall, the Chancellor also hosts more formal engagements.

Last week, he invited a select group of doctoral and master’s students over to the University Residence for dinner. From Brazil to Clemmons, NC and Nigeria to Pittsburgh, PA, these graduate students found their way from all over the world to UNCG and shared their experiences and academic ambitions.

The Chancellor and his wife, Mrs. Jacquie Gilliam, also hosted their annual Trivia Night with more than 50 undergraduates joining in the fun. These students are leaders of various organizations, peer counselors, undergraduate researchers, and volunteers on campus and in the community.

UNCG Chancellor Gilliam plays trivia with students.

Students will have more chances to meet with Chancellor Gilliam throughout the year, including through the return of Chancellor Chats. The first Chancellor Chat will be held on October 2 from noon to 1 p.m. on the first floor of Moran Commons. The theme will center around how to build a stronger sense of belonging on campus.

Story by Janet Imrick, University Communications
Photography by Sean Norona, University Communications


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