Guy Capuzzo headshot

Professor, Music Theory

School of Music

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Ph.D., Eastman School of Music 

M.M., Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College 

B.M., William Paterson University 


Guy Capuzzo (Ph.D., Eastman School of Music) is Professor of Music Theory and the author of the book Elliott Carter’s What Next?:Communication, Cooperation, and Separation (University of Rochester Press, 2012). He is a member of the editorial board of Elliott Carter Studies Online 

( His research appears in Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, Music Theory Spectrum, Journal of Music Theory, Music Theory Online, Intégral, Theory and Practice, Tempo, Guitar Review, and SMT-V: Society for Music Theory Videocast Journal. Capuzzo’s talks include presentations to the Society for Music Theory and invited lectures at Yale University, the University of South Carolina, the University of Minnesota, and Youngstown State University. Active as an electric guitarist, he records and performs with the Lorena Guillén Tango Ensemble ( He also writes, performs, and records original music, which can be found here:  

Subjects Taught

  • Theory and Analysis of Tonal Music 
  • Theory and Analysis of Post-Tonal Music 
  • Analysis of Pop and Rock Music 
  • Aural Skills 
  • Rhythm and Meter 
  • Pedagogy of Music Theory 

Personal Website