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NPR, the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government surveyed more than 1,100 native-born Americans and nearly 800 immigrants on their attitudes toward immigrants and immigration. The poll found Americans' views of immigrants are less negative than they've been in years; those who have contact with immigrants are more positive. Immigrants themselves, not surprisingly, are much more positive than non-immigrants. Mexican, Central and South American immigrants differ significantly in their responses from other immigrants.

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Oct. 7, 2004

Exploring America's 'National Identity'

Morning Edition · Only about one-third of Americans say the country has a basic culture and values that immigrants take on. Nearly twice as many say our culture and values change as new people arrive. But two-thirds of non-immigrants say America should have a single culture. Is America a melting pot, a salad bowl -- or, as one Harvard professor puts it, tomato soup? NPR's John Ydstie reports.


An Overview of Immigration Survey Results

Talk of the Nation · How do Americans feel about immigration? How does contact with immigrants affect non-immigrants' perceptions of immigrants? Where do immigrants and non-immigrants disagree? How do immigrant groups differ from each other, and why? Callers discuss their own experiences as immigrants and with immigrants.


Illegal Immigration

All Things Considered · Most Americans say they want a crackdown on illegal immigration. But some experts on both sides of the political divide say that may not work -- for practical as well as economic reasons. Both President Bush and Sen. John Kerry support some kind of guest worker program, but the public isn't convinced. NPR's Marcus Rosenbaum reports.

Oct. 8, 2004

Mexican Immigrants

Morning Edition · Mexican immigrants, who make up 37 percent of all recent immigrants, differ substantially from other immigrants in many categories. How well -- and, more importantly, how much -- are they assimilating? NPR's Richard Gonzales report.


Religion and Assimilation

All Things Considered · Asked whether immigrants need to believe in God in order to be fully American, a majority of both native-born Americans and immigrants say no. But twice as many immigrants as non-immigrants say yes (immigrants and non-immigrants are equally religious themselves). How religious is America, and how tolerant is it of non-believers? NPR's Barbara Bradley Haggerty reports.

Oct. 9, 2004

Chasing the 'American Dream'

All Things Considered · In the Vietnamese-American community, the first wave of immigrants was better equipped than later arrivals to realize their dreams. With all groups, children have a better chance of succeeding. NPR's Jennifer Ludden examines how immigrants' expectations and aspirations match reality.

Oct. 11, 2004

Becoming Americanized

Day to Day · In a small Georgia town, the only Chinese family around works to assimilate. In Atlanta, a city with a sizable immigrant population, another immigrant Chinese family travels the path toward Americanization. How do their children make out in the different locales? NPR's Kathy Lohr reports.


Non-Immigrant Whites and African Americans

The Tavis Smiley Show · NPR's Marcus Rosenbaum discusses the lack of clear-cut divisions between non-immigrant whites and African Americans. They both generally differ from immigrants; they agree with each other on some questions, and disagree on others.




Full Survey Results

Graph on opinions about legal immigration levels.

Our survey covered a broad range of topics related to immigration, from policy proposals to religion and culture.


Previous Surveys

Other NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School polls:

Sex Education in America


Americans' Views on Taxes


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