The Archie K. Davis Center

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Moravian Archives, Winston-Salem, North Carolina [image]




The Moravian Archives has a new mailing address, effective immediately:

Moravian Archives
457 S. Church Street
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101

Please update your address files with our new mailing address.


Welcome to. . .

. . . the web page of the Moravian Archives, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The Moravian Archives is the repository of the records of the Moravian Church, Southern Province, and its members. As such, the Moravian Archives’ primary function is to serve the Church in the collecting, cataloging, and safekeeping of its records. Our records extend back to 1753, the beginning of the Moravian Church in North Carolina, and give a detailed account of life in earlier times as well as family histories of church members.

Our Records:

Many of our church diaries and other documents have been translated and published in Records of the Moravians in North Carolina. Each of the twelve volumes is indexed for family names. Currently the first eleven volumes of Records of the Moravians in North Carolina are out of print, but copies may be available at a nearby university library, or perhaps a local public library can borrow them on an inter-library loan basis from the State Library in Raleigh. Consult your local public library.

Our Hours:

The Moravian Archives is open from 9:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays excepting holidays.

What’s Available:

Visitors are welcome to avail themselves of the file cards of our memoir collection, and we are happy to fetch memoirs that are in English or English translation. Visitors may also avail themselves of the published Records of the Moravians in North Carolina and the few published family genealogy books that we have.

Visiting Us:

There are two ways to find us:

1. From U.S. 52 take the Stadium Drive exit going west following the signs to Salem College and Old Salem. At Salem Avenue go straight into the Salem College Fine Arts parking lot, where you may park. The Davis Center is the new building next to the graveyard. Walk up the brick steps to the main entrance on the south side of the Davis Center facing away from the graveyard.

2. From Church Street in Salem walk through the portico of Cedarhyrst (the big castle-looking building that is home to Provincial offices). The Davis Center is behind Cedarhyrst. Come in through the main entrance.

Researching the Archives:

The Moravian Archives provides a genealogical research service at $15 an hour. We do not photocopy our documents. Rather, we research an inquiry, then provide a typewritten report of our findings. Please mail all genealogical inquiries to:

Moravian Archives
457 S. Church Street
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101

Northern Archives:

The Moravian Archives in Winston-Salem houses only the records of the Southern Province of the Moravian Church. For records of Northern Province churches, write to Moravian Archives, 41 W. Locust Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018.

This page was last updated on:
Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:06:33 AM -0400

Moravian Archives
Winston-Salem, NC
all rights reserved.