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Nuestra Historia

We invite you to listen to these stories and songs about our lives, our work, our children, and our faith.  In order to hear these audio clips, you need to have the RealAudio Player installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you can get it free from Progressive Networks. It is one of the most widely-used plug-ins on the World Wide Web, so you won't regret getting it.

Once you have installed the RealAudio Player, look for this symbol: . It means that there is a RealAudio clip available. To listen to the story, choose the clip that matches your modem connection speed (14.4 or 28.8) and turn up your volume. Interviews in Spanish are designated (Esp); interviews in English are designated (Eng).



Juan Durán (Esp)

 Delia Moldonado (Esp)

Hector Martinez (Eng)

 Manuel Zúñiga (Esp)

Silvia Castorena (Esp)

 Maria Moldonado (Eng)


 "El Dios Campesino" 14.4 or 28.8

"El Dios Campesino" is written by noted composer, Carlos Rosas. He also arranged this recording, a stirring and spiritual paean. To purchase high-quality recordings of this and other Carlos Rosas' songs, e-mail JMCommunications.

"Accordion Motif" 14.4 or 28.8

"Accordion Motif" highlights the Tejano accordion sound. Feel free to use this short musical bridge, compliments of JMCommunications.

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