The Ethnic I
A Sourcebook for Ethnic-American Autobiography
The Ethnic I

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James Craig Holte
Book Code: HOI/
ISBN: 0-313-24463-4
216 pages , bibliog., index
Greenwood Press
Publication Date: 1/26/1988
List Price: $67.95  (UK Sterling Price: £38.99)
Availability: Out of stock

Media Type: Hardcover

Subject Category: Multicultural Studies
Sub-Category: Multicultural Studies (General)

From colonial times to the present, traveler and immigrant writers have seen America with new eyes. They have perceived and recorded the American experience as few native-born writers could do, yet their lives and words have often been left out of traditional American studies. This book provides an overview of ethnic-American personal writing with descriptive studies of more than twenty-five major autobiographies. In addition to providing biographical information about the writers, and bibliographical data about their tests, the volume presents both descriptions and analyses of the selected narratives.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Personal Voices from the New World
Mary Anderson: Women at Work
Mary Jane Hill Anderson: The Autobiography of Mary Jane Hill Anderson
Maya Angelou: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Mary Antin: The Promised Land
Black Elk: Black Elk Speaks
Edward Bok: The Americanization of Edward Bok
Carlos Bulosan: America Is in the Heart
Frank Capra: The Name above the Title, An Autobiography
Andrew Carnegie: Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
Edward Corsi: In the Shadow of Liberty
Leonard Covello: The Heart Is the Teacher
Nicky Cruz: Run, Baby, Run
James Michael Curley: I'd Do It Again
Emma Goldman: Living My Life
Zora Neale Hurston: Dust Tracks on a Road
Lee Iaococca: Iaococca
Maxine Hong Kingston: The Woman Warrior
Malcolm X: The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Jerre Mangione: An Ethnic at Large
Michael Pupin: From Immigrant to Inventor
Jacob A. Riis: The Making of an American
Richard Rodriquez: Hunger of Memory
Carl Schurz: The Autobiography of Carl Schurz
Monica Stone: Nisei Daughter
Piri Thomas: Down These Mean Streets
Booker T. Washington: Up from Slavery
Theodore H. White: In Search of History
Jade Snow Wong: Fifth Chinese Daughter
Richard Wright: Black Boy
Bibliographical Essay

LC Card Number: 87-23650
LCC Class: PS366
Dewey Class: 818

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