Questions for Review for CCI 205 - First Hourly Exam

1.  What is Hesiod's purpose in writing the Theogony?  What does he emphasize?  What does he leave out?

2.   What does the term "succession myth" refer to?  How is this myth connected to the creation myths of other middle Eastern cultures (Egyptian and Babylonian)?

3.  Who are the Muses and what is their importance to poets like Hesiod and Homer?

4.  In what ways does Ovid's account of the creation at the beginning of the Metamorphoses differ from Hesiod's in the Theogony?  What are some possible reasons for these differences?

5.  What personal qualities or powers of the gods are emphasized in the Homeric Hymns dedicated to Apollo, Aphrodite, and Hermes?  What do these hymns reveal about the nature of Greek religion?

6.  Who was Heinrich Schliemann and why is he so important to a study of Greek myth?

7.  How is the Iliad structured and how does it treat the subject of the Trojan War?

8.  What is an "etiological" myth?  Give an example.

9.  How does Euripides (in the two plays which you have read so far) portray the heroes of the Trojan War?  Are they admirable figures?  Why or why not?