CCI 205:  Class Reading Assignments   (Spring Semester 2002)
Date Topic Reading Assignment
Jan. 15 Introduction/Cosmogony
Jan. 17 Birth  of the gods Hesiod, Theogony ll.116-231, 456-508, 621-end (webpage)
Metamorphoses, pp. 3-5
Powell, ch. 1 (pp. 1-4), chapters 4 & 5 (optional)
Jan. 22 Zeus and the Olympian gods Metamophoses: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Baucis and Philemon
Callisto (Jove in Arcadia), Arachne
Powell, Ch. 6
Jan. 24     "              " Pyramis and Thisbe, Adonis, Pygmalion, 
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite #5
Jan. 29      "              " Phaethon, Daphne, Niobe
Homeric Hymn to Apollo #3
Jan. 31        "             " Homeric Hymn to Hermes #4

Feb.  5
Creation of Man/Prometheus
and Pandora
Metamorphoses: pp. 5-16
Hesiod, Theogony ll. 509-620
Feb. 7 The Great Epic Stories: Powell, ch. 9, pp. 134-140
Feb. 12 The Trojan War Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis 
Feb. 14 Trojan War, cont. Euripides, Trojan Women
Feb. 19 First Hourly Exam
Feb. 21 The Epic Hero Homer, Odyssey: Books 1, 4, 5
Powell, ch. 10
Feb. 26        "              " Books 6, 8, 9, 10
Feb. 28        "              " Books 11, 12, 13
March 5       "               " Books 16, 17, 19, 21-24
Mar.  7 The Hero Revisited Sophocles, Philoctetes
Mar. 19 The House of Atreus Powell, Ch. 12
Mar. 21 Jason and the Argonauts Euripides, Medea
Meta. Jason and Medea, Pelias
Mar. 26 Perseus/Meleagar Meta. Perseus (ppp. 100-106), Meleagar
Mar. 28 Second Hourly Exam
April 2 Heracles/Hercules Meta. pp. 209-219, 266,  Powell, Ch.8
Sophocles, Trachiniae (Women of Trachis)
April 4 House of Thebes/Oedipus Meta. Cadmus
April 9 Theseus of Athens  Meta. Theseus, Daedalus
Powell, ch. 14, pp. 193-196
April 11 Theseus, cont. Euripides, Hippolytus
April 16 Mystery Religion/Demeter Homeric Hymn to Demeter #2
Meta. pp. 119-125,  Powell, ch.7
April 18 Dionysus/Orpheus Euripides, Bacchae
Meta. Bacchus (pp. 73-82), 
Semele, Pentheus, Orpheus
April 23 Ovid's Art Meta. Echo, Tereus, Cephalus, Hyacinth
April 25 The Roman Gods: Aeneas 
and Vergil's Aeneid
Powell, Ch. 13
April 30 Theories of Myth Interpretation Powell, ch. 2
May 2 More Theories Powell, ch. 3
May 9 Final Exam Thursday at 8:30 AM