"Sex, Gender and Behavior"

Calendar Fall 2005

Date Topic Assignment Asssignments due Films/due dates Activities
Section One
Aug 18 Overview Film "Is Feminism Dead?" summary due 8/25 Feminism Scale
Aug 23-25 Introduction Chapter 1-Introduction 
completed Attitude Scale due (8/23)
Aug 30-Sept 1 Images Chapter 2-Images of Women and Men Stereotyping
Sept 6-8 Doing Gender Chapter 3-Doing Gender Attitude Analysis due, (9/6) Power
Sept 10 First Discussion Forum Commentary must be posted on Blackboard
1,3,4,5,11 ONLY
Sept 13 Exam 1
First Discussion Forum completed--replies must be posted on Blackboard
McIntosh Reaction Paper Due
Section Two
Sept 15 Difference Chapter 4-The Meanings of Difference Favorite toys
Sept 20 Film "Anything you can do, I can do better" summary due 9/27
Sept 22-27 Biology Chapter 5-Biology, Sex, and Gender Instincts/Posture
Sept 29-Oct 4 Development Chapter 6-Becoming Gendered: Childhood Fairy Tales
Sept 30 Second Discussion Forum Commentary must be posted on Blackboard
2,14,15,17,18 ONLY
Oct 6 Exam 2 Second Discussion Forum completed-replies must be posted on Blackboard
Section Three
Oct 13-18 Sexuality Chapter 8-Sex, Love, and Romance Knowledge Scale
Oct 18 Film "Transgender Revolution" summary due 10/25
Oct 20-25 Relationships Chapter 9-Commitments: Women  and Close Relationships Character Evaluation
Oct 27-Nov 3 Violence Chapter 13-Violence Against Women Conflict Resolution
Oct 29 Third Discussion Forum Commentary must be posted on Blackboard 
6,9,10,12,13 ONLY
Nov 1 Film "Men, Sex & Rape" summary due 11/8
Nov 8 Exam 3 Third Discussion Forum completed-replies must be posted on Blackboard
Section Four
Nov 10-15 Work Chapter 11-Work and Achievement Salary Analysis
Nov 15 Film "Taking on the Boys' Club" summary due 11/22
Nov 17-22 Mental Health Chapter 14-Mental and Physical Health Extra Credit Projects Due Nov 22 Drug Advertisements
Nov 28 Fourth Discussion Forum Commentary must be posted on Blackboard
7,8,16,19 ONLY
Nov 29-Dec 1 The Future Chapter 15-Making a Difference: Toward a Better Future Feminism Scale
Nov 29 Film "Men's Movement" 
summary due 12/1
Dec 4 Fourth Discussion Forum Completed--replies due
Dec 8, noon Exam 4
All extra credit projects are due Nov 22.
 Make a back up copy of all work. 
See for an online tutorial  regarding Academic Integrity

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Women's Studies at UNCG