Choose  (single click on) the item below that best describes the underlined text or part of a word or words:
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Milton's use of the word marked below forces it to change in two opposite ways to accomodate the fairly regular iambic pentameter. The first two letters are prounounced separately, while the last three letters count as one syllable: A-E-ryall, * /  *. In one word he produces two effects, both of which count as correct answers below. Find both of them.

BEFORE the starry threshold of Jove's court
My mansion is, where those immortal shapes
Of bright aerial spirits live insphered
In regions mild of calm and serene air,
exact rhyme  consonance  metrical augmentation
slant, near, half rhyme euphony headless line
mosaic rhyme  onomatopoeia  catalexis
wrenched rhyme alliteration enjambment
masculine rhyme beat/ictus end-stopped
feminine rhyme implied offbeat anacrusis
multiple rhyme unrealized beat hypermetric syllable
vowel rhyme  tumbling verse diaeresis
monorhyme  sprung rhythm substitution
rhyme riche poetic contraction elision
internal rhyme synaeresis hemistich
assonance  syncope caesura