LOVE'S aftermath! I think the time is now               #47
That we must gather in, alone, apart
The saddest crop of all the crops that grow,
     Love's aftermath.
Ah, sweet,--sweet yesterday, the tears that start
Can not put back the dial; this is, I trow,
Our harvesting! Thy kisses chill my heart,
Our lips are cold; averted eyes avow
The twilight of poor love: we can but part,
Dumbly and sadly, reaping as we sow,

     Love's aftermath.
                    --Ernest Dowson      CLICK FOR THE  EXAMPLE #48

blank verse closed heroic couplet open heroic couplet
enjambed heroic couplets tetrameter couplets longer couplets
tercet triplet terza rima
ballad stanza, common measure long measure short measure
In Memoriam stanza Rubaiyat stanza heroic quatrains
longer quatrains rhymed abab quatrains rhymed aabb nonce quatrains
mad song stanza Venus and Adonis stanza rime royal
ottava rima Monk's Tale stanza Spenserian stanza
Keats ode stanza canzone form nonce five-line stanza
nonce six-line stanza nonce seven-line stanza nonce eight-line stanza

Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet Shakespearean (English) sonnet Spenserian sonnet
Miltonic sonnet nonce 14-line sonnet 16- or 18-line sonnet
ballade sestina villanelle
rondeau, roundel triolet cinquain
haiku tanka pantoum
Horatian ode Pindaric ode homostrophic ode
irregular ode literary madrigal literary cantatas and hymns
clerihew limerick double dactyl