1.  Come to class every day!  Much of what you need to know will be based on the reading but won’t be explicitly discussed in the reading.  For example, you might learn something about the myth of Hippolytus by reading the play Hippolytus, but you won’t necessarily understand the significance of the play, which will be dealt with in class.  We will also cover many myths in class that won’t be covered in the readings.

2.  Do the assigned reading!!  This is a literature class, and the only way to learn about literature is to read it.  These works are still read two thousand or twenty-five hundred years after they were written because they are great works of literature and they address timeless issues in a timeless fashion.  Reading these books will also teach you a lot about Greek and Roman mythology—the theme of the course.

3.  Do the assigned reading thoroughly!!!  My standards are the same as those of the Bryan School of Business here at UNCG (found in the 2000-2001 Undergraduate Bulletin, p. 57):

                   In general, students should plan to devote between 2-3 hours outside of 
                  class for each hour in class.

4.  Ask questions!!!!  Please don’t hesitate to interrupt me at any time during the lectures if something’s not clear or if you’d like additional information. Also, I’m always happy to meet with you  in my office.  If you have a quick question and are in the area, feel free to drop in anytime.  If you have a more complicated problem, it’s best to come during my office hours or make an appointment.  E-mail is a very good way to get in touch with me; I check it several times a day.