Jacob Kounin

Discipline and Group Management

        Kounin's focus is on group managerial techniques that  create an effective classroom ecology and learning environment.  None of these techniques call for punitiveness or restrictiveness.  Neither do they focus on such characteristics as "friendly," "warm," "patient," "understanding," "love for children," and similar attributes of people in general.  Jacob Kounin believes that these desirable attributes will not manage a classroom.


Teacher Behaviors

Instructional Implications



Vignette or Role Play

Setting: The teacher, Ms. Shea, is involved in a reading group with Group 1.  The rest of the students in the class (including Mike, Jennie, and Allison) are involved in seatwork.

Example of Target and Timing Mistakes:
Mike whispers to Jennie.
Jennie pokes Mike.
Mike pokes Jennie.
Jennie pulls Mike's shirt.
Mike pulls Jennie's shirt.
Allison whispers to Jennie.
Ms. Shea: "Allison, you should be quietly doing your seatwork.  Please get back to work."

Example of Correct Target and Timing:
Mike whispers to Jennie.
Ms. Shea: "Mike, this is independent work.  Please get busy.  Thank you."
             (To the reading group) "Continue reading please."



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