Course Description
Learning Objectives
Grading Policy
Extra Credit Options
Attendance/Pop Assignments

Key Concepts & Vocabulary
Chapters 1 - 3
Chapters 4 - 6
Chapters 7 - 10
Chapters 11, 14 & 15

Blackboard Discussion

Sex/Gender Resources

Women's Studies at UNCG

Selected Women and Gender
Resources on the WWW
Women's Studies Database
Gender and Sexuality
International Studies Gender Resources
The Women's Resource Project
Women and Gender Websites

Psychology Resources

American Psychological Association
Society for the Psychology of Women
Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and 
Bisexual Issues
Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Adult Development and Aging
Citing Electronic Sources


"Sex, Gender and Behavior"

Key Concepts & Vocabulary 

Chapters 1 - 3

critical psychology (p. 3)
feminist psychology, psychology of women, psychology of gender (p. 3)
androcentrism (p. 4)
feminism (socialist, woman of color (womanism), radical, liberal, cultural, global) (pp. 11-14) 
pro-feminist (p. 15)
sexism, sex discrimination (pp. 16)
postfeminist era (p. 18)
backlash (p.18)
empirical research (p. 29)
experimental method (p. 30)
sex, gender (p. 34)
gender-typing (p. 38)
linguistic sexism (p. 39)
diversity (p. 45)
trivialization of women in the public sphere (pp. 62-66)
looks-ism (p. 69)
body surveillance, body shame, body esteem (p. 73)
stereotypes (pp. 80-81)
instrumental vs. affective traits (p. 84)
stereotypes and subtypes (pp. 84-85)
debasement (p. 89)
generic pronouns (p. 91)
descriptive and prescriptive functions of stereotypes (p. 94)
attributions (p. 94)
social deviance (p. 95)
androgyny (p. 96)
ambivalent sexism, hostile sexism, benevolent sexism (p. 98)
neosexism (p. 103)
covert sexism, modern sexism (p. 104) 
nonverbal behavior (p. 93)
doing gender (p. 122)
selective attention, and encoding (p. 129)
distinctiveness (p. 130)
selective recall (p. 130)
self-presentation (p. 132)
self-fulfilling prophecy (p. 132) 
behavioral confirmation (p. 133)
(social) power (p. 140)
achieved and ascribed status (p. 143)
double bind (p. 152)
stigma (p. 154)
tokenism (p. 163)
reframing (p. 171)
procedural stigma (p. 174) 
 social myth (p. 179) 
deviance (p. 183)

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Women's Studies at UNCG