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This assignment examines Hollywood's portrayal of Arabs with a 1940 Porky Pig cartoon, two scenes from "True Lies" (1994), and three scenes from "Rules of Engagement" (2000) against the backdrop of Jack G. Shaheen's work Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (New York, 2001).  There are five steps to this assignment with a choice of brief writing assignments at the end:

Step 1: Watch the 1940 Porky Pig cartoon "Ali-Baba Bound" (see the link below) and write a one-paragraph reaction to it.  How are the various Arab characters in the cartoon portrayed?


Ali-Baba BoundPorky Pig - "Ali Baba Bound" (1940)
Starring - Porky Pig
Directed by - I. Freling

Porky Pig is a French Legionnaire in North Africa in this 1940 short directed by I. Freling.  World War II had begun in Europe the previous year, although the United States was not involved and would not be until the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941.


"With 4 Heel drive and air brakes"

Porky gets a secret message from a spy that Ali Baba will invade the fort.  It's Porky's job to save the day—but how will he defend against their secret weapon—a suicide bomber with a huge bullet tied to his head.

"This Bench Reserved for Suicide Squad"

Launch Video "Ali Baba Bound"

Step 2: After viewing "Ali-Baba Bound" and writing the paragraph, read this abbreviated  version of Jack G. Shaheen's "Introduction" to Reel Bad Arabs {NOTE: use the Back arrow to return here}. 

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