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National Public Radio Reports

"Esther's Children": The Jewish Experience in Iran

In Persia (present-day Iran), Jews faced persecution, assimilation, forced conversion, a golden age--and eventually, a diaspora. Tuesday on All Things Considered, guest host Jacki Lyden talks with the editor of a new book, Esther's Children-- described as a history, anthology and scrapbook of the Jewish experience in Iran.  (August 27, 2002): "Esther's Children" (7:30)

Tom Friedman on "Fresh Air"

New York Times journalist Thomas L. Friedman.  His new book, Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World After September 11, is a collection of recent Times columns. They span the period from December 2000 to June 2002.  Friedman was awarded the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary for these columns.  This is Friedman's third Pulitzer. His other books are From Beirut to Jerusalem and The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization.  (September 5, 2002): Friedman on "Fresh Air" (31:31)

NPR's Mike Shuster reports on civilian casualties in the US campaign against al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. He visits a village called Niazi south of Kabul and the province of Khost. Townspeople in Niazi say dozens of innocent people were killed by American bombs. The Pentagon insists it had information that Taliban and al Qaeda members were in the homes that were struck, along with caches of Taliban weapons.  (January 25, 2002): “Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan” (8:16)