MLS 610B-81
Spring 2003

WEEK 8: Monday, March 24.
Afghanistan (cont’d) & Saudi Arabia
NOTE: we will begin by completing last week’s notes on Afghanistan

Saudi ArabiaBackground:

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792):

Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud (1881-1953):

Saudi Oil:

King Faysal

In the year prior to the 1973 embargo, Saudi Arabia earned $6.4 billion in oil revenues; in the fiscal year 1974-5, Saudi revenues skyrocketed by 330% to $27.7 billion (Source: Daniel Yergin, The Prize).

King Faysal (cont’d)

After the 1979 Iranian Revolution Saudi Arabia embarked on a major arms buildup, as billions in petrodollars were used to buy up sophisticated military equipment, primarily from the US.  In 1982, King Khalid died and was replaced by Crown Prince Fahd, who remains the nominal leader of the country.

1st Gulf War (1990-91):