MLS 610B-81
Spring 2003

WEEK 7: Monday, March 17.
A History of Turmoil: Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s major ethnic groups:

The main national languages of Afghanistan are _____________________________

Background (cont’d):

Afghanistan broke away from British influence after a brief Third Anglo-Afghan War in 1919, and was recognized as an independent country at the Versailles Peace Conference.


Mohammed Zahir Shah became the ruler of Afghanistan’s monarchy in 1933.  In 1953 a very influential Prime Minister rose to the fore (Zahir Shah’s cousin) Muhammad Daud:

In the early 1970s a severe drought caused widespread hardship, weakening support for Zahir Shah.  He was overthrown in a military coup led by former Prime Minister Muhammad Daud.

The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA):

In 1978 the new communist government launched an ambitious policy of land reform, the emancipation of women, and a campaign against illiteracy, but the population was not ready for such radical change, and it met with resistance.

Mujahadeen (“holy warriors”):

On July 3, 1979, US President Jimmy Carter signed a secret order authorizing covert support for the mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan.  The Soviet Union decided to intervene in December 1979 to “restore order” to Afghanistan’s communist government.

The Soviet-Afghan War (1979-89):

Civil War:

The Rise of the Taliban:

The Taliban in Power: