MLS 610B-81
Spring 2003

WEEK 14: Monday, April 28.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict (cont’d).
The Law of Return (1950):

The Suez Canal Crisis (1956):

Six-day War (1967):

In 1958 Israel and Jordan both undertook projects to divert water from the Jordan River or its tributaries.  In 1965 Syria likewise began construction on a project to divert water from a tributary of the Jordan River, which would greatly reduce the amount of water available to Israel. 

Six-day War (cont’d):

At the end of the war, Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza strip, Golan Heights, West Bank, and East Jerusalem.  The war also worsened the Palestinian refugee problem, as over 100,000 refugees fled into Jordan.  In November 1967, the UN passed Resolution 242, which called for Israel to withdraw from the territories it seized during the war, while calling on the Arab states to recognize Israel’s right to exist.  However, initially neither side accepted the Resolution, and sporadic fighting between Israeli and Egyptian/Syrian /Jordanian/al-Fatah forces continued in the years after the 1967 Six-day War. 

Yom Kippur War (1973):